lives in用法,lives in the house

  • 发布:2024-06-22 09:32

【今日歪解】*一档带你体会美式幽默的节目I live in Bali我在巴厘岛生活 I can't afford to live like this in my home country国内可过不了这...


lives in australialives in the houselives in this house怎么读lives in造句lives in beijing【今日歪解】*一档带你体会美式幽默的节目I live in Bali我在巴厘岛生活 I can't afford to live like this in my home country国内可过不了这...


【今日歪解】*一档带你体会美式幽默的节目I live in Bali我在巴厘岛生活 I can't afford to live like this in my home country国内可过不了这

——Where do you live? 你住哪啊?——Oh,I live in a hotel. 我在酒店长住.——You are so rich! 你真有钱.——Why? 为

— — W h e r e d o y o u l i v e ? ni zhu na a ? — — O h , I l i v e i n a h o t e l . wo zai jiu dian chang zhu . — — Y o u a r e s o r i c h ! ni zhen you qian . — — W h y ? wei . . .

——You do live in a hotel for years, right? 你是要在酒店住几年,对吧?——No,no no,just three days. 不,只待三天. 解析:live

英语口语·吉米老师说 live是住,但住酒店千万别跟前台说 live in hotel.那么应该怎么表达呢?在这之前先了解一下酒店的各种类型英

Suchmos Live in China 2020「深圳站」已售罄!本次中国巡演目前仅「北京站」还有少量余票!!!无需赘述,大家,现场见!【影

“He lives in the country.”这句话不可以翻译为“他住在这个国家”,如果要表达此意,应为:He lives in this country. " The country"


"出去住酒店"的正确表达“住”的英文是live和stay.区别是长住、定居用live,比如I live in Beijing with my parents. 我和我爸妈住在

basically I live in a hotel.我在酒店行业工作.所以我基本上就住在了酒店里.hospitality 友好接待;酒店服务hospitality industry 酒店服务

英语共读说一口地道的英语从这一刻开始对话框回复“早安”和“晚安",获取暖心音频问候1.住酒店(旅行时)stay at a hotel live in

今日学习:住在美国I live in United States *I live in the United States √你也可以说: I live in America √但是你如果说官方名称: the



